Accreditation in section «Agricultural products»

Registration form for non-residents

We request you to provide an exchange place lease at the Limited Liability Company "UKRAINIAN UNIVERSAL EXCHANGE", to conclude an Exchange Place Lease Agreement at the Limited Liability Company "UKRAINIAN UNIVERSAL EXCHANGE" and provide the right to participate in the transactions at the Limited Liability Company "UKRAINIAN UNIVERSAL EXCHANGE" (hereinafter – Exchange).

For additional information contact the accreditation department by phone +38 (044) 353-76-63 or e-mail

Акредитація за напрямком/напрямками  (Accreditation by the direction/directions)

Інформація про заявника  (Information about the Applicant)

Attention! The corresponding fields of the application form shall be filled up in English and Ukrainian

1 to 200 characters
1 to 200 characters, without Cyrillic
1 to 140 characters
1 to 200 characters
1 to 200 characters, without Cyrillic
(у форматі: ДД.ММ.РРРР)
(format: DD.MM.YYYY)
(формат/format: +XXXXXXXXXXXX)
(формат/format: +XXXXXXXXXXXX)

Банківські реквізити заявника  (Bank data of the Applicant)


1 to 150 characters
1 to 150 characters, without Cyrillic
1 to 250 characters
1 to 250 characters, without Cyrillic
1 to 100 characters
1 to 50 characters


1 to 150 characters
1 to 150 characters, without Cyrillic
1 to 250 characters
1 to 250 characters, without Cyrillic
1 to 100 characters
1 to 50 characters

Основний рахунок (main bank account)

Інформація про керівника заявника  (Information about the applicant's manager)

1 to 100 characters
1 to 100 characters, without Cyrillic
1 to 100 characters
1 to 100 characters, without Cyrillic
1 to 150 characters
1 to 150 characters, without Cyrillic

Просимо акредитувати на Товаристві з обмеженою відповідальністю «УКРАЇНСЬКА УНІВЕРСАЛЬНА БІРЖА» особу (осіб), яка (які) буде (будуть) виконувати повноваження брокера (брокерів) 
Please accredit the person (persons) at the UKRAINIAN UNIVERSAL EXCHANGE Limited Liability Company who will perform the powers of a broker (brokers)

1 to 127 characters
1 to 127 characters, without Cyrillic
(формат/format: +XXXXXXXXXXXX)
email must be valid and unique for each broker

Документи, які необхідні для укладення Договору оренди біржового місця і надання права на участь в торгах  (Documents necessary for conclusion of Exchange Place Lease Agreement and provision of the right of participation in trades)

Documents shall be provided in the original language and translated into Ukrainian.

Client data confirmation

After the registration is completed, your e-mail address will receive a notification about the decision of the Supervisory Board to lease you an exchange place. In case of a positive decision, a package of documents is attached to the e-mail, which you print, sign, seal and in paper form together with the originals of the documents provided by you in electronic form, send to the Accreditation Department at: Ukraine, 36039, Poltava, Shevchenko 52 str., Ukrainian Universal Exchange LLC.

(enter the calculation result)